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All media depicts mature plants.

Double Play Doozie® Reblooming Spirea



  • Reblooming spirea!
  • Enjoy pink-red blooms from early summer-frost.
  • Perfect for a long-blooming low hedge.
  • Both high performance and low maintenance!
  • Zones 3-8, sun/part sun, 3' tall x 3' wide at maturity.
Zone 3-8
Light part sun/sun

{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.price < variant.compare_at_price %} Sale {{- variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' -}}
{{- variant.compare_at_price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% else %} {{- variant.price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% endif %} Each

Buy More, Save More:
    {% for discountGroup in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if discountGroup.id == 1 %} {% for discountTier in discountGroup.tiers %} {% if discountTier.id == 2%} {% for discount in discountTier.discount %}
  • {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% assign tier_ceiling = 10000 %} {% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}{% assign tier_ceiling = discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 %}{% endif %}
    {{ variant.price | money | remove: ' ' }} {{ variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} / {{ discount.min_quantity }}{% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}-{{ discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 }}{% else %}+{% endif %} qty.
  • {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = variant.quantity | times: discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ variant.price | times: variant.quantity | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% if discount_amount > 0 %} Saved {{ discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} {% endif %}
{% for option in product.options_with_values %} {% assign optionIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% assign position = forloop.index %}
{% assign sortedvalues = option.values %} {% if option.name contains 'Length' or option.name contains 'Width' or option.name contains 'Height' or option.name contains 'Depth' or option.name contains 'Thickness' or option.name contains 'Weight' %} {% assign sortedvalues = option.values | sort %} {% endif %} {% for value in sortedvalues %} {% assign inventory_quantity = 0 %} {% assign available = false %} {% assign optionVariant = false %} {% if product.options_with_values.size == 3 and optionIndex == 2%} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == variant.option2 and v.option3 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% elsif product.options_with_values.size == 2 and optionIndex == 1%} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign checked = "" %} {% if variant.options[optionIndex] == value%}{% assign checked = "checked" %}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% capture add_to_cart %}Neptune.cart.add({ id:{{ variant.id | json }}, quantity:{{ variant.quantity }}, properties:{ '_growingzone':['3a', '3b', '4a', '4b', '5a', '5b', '6a', '6b', '7a', '7b', '8a', '8b'],'shipping_exclusions':''} }, '.atcprod-{{ variant.id }}', { quantity: {{ variant.quantity }}, image: '//www.greatgardenplants.com/cdn/shop/products/spiraea-double-play-doozie-1-sw.jpg?v=1626781219', title: 'Double Play Doozie® Reblooming Spirea', option: 'One Quart' }); return false;{% endcapture %} {% assign discontinued = '' %} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'discontinued' %} {% assign discontinued = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.available %} {% else %} {% unless discontinued == 'true' %} Notify Me When Available {% endunless %} {% endif %}
{% if error %}
{% endif %}
white plant in hand icon

Hand-picked at our greenhouse

white shipped to door icon

Shipped to your door

Young plant icon

Arrives as young plant

background image

More Information

Description Get your hands on the first-ever reblooming spirea! Double Play Doozie® spirea (Spirea hybrid) is a truly innovative new introduction from Proven Winners that was years in development. It does not set seed, so it just keeps flowering and flowering and flowering. Yet it's just as easy-care and durable as you expect a spirea to be – deer resistant, drought tolerant, shade tolerant, and just all-around tough. Double Play Doozie spirea has a bit more of an upright habit than conventional spirea, making it perfect for a non-stop blooming low hedge, or mixing into your perennial garden. It blooms in early summer along with conventional spirea, then continues to put out dozens of new blooms through frost. In early spring, new growth emerges a dramatic red for extra color and beauty. It's the high performance, low maintenance flowering shrub you've been looking for. Details Botanical name: Spiraea x 'NCSX2'
Patent #: USPP 30,953
Common name: Spirea
Zone: 3 - 8
Sun exposure: Full sun (6+ hours sun) to part-sun (4-6 hours sun)
Height x width: 2-3'
Flower color: Bright pink-red
Foliage color: Green, with red new growth
Season of Interest: Spring-fall
Bloom time: Summer
Features: Proven Winners, low flammability, drought tolerant, cold tolerant, best for beginners
Uses: Specimen, hedge, perennial gardens, landscaping.
How To Grow Soil: Not finicky about soil, as long as it is well drained. Tolerates dry conditions once established.
Light: Full sun (6+ hrs/day) to part-sun (4-6 hrs of sun/day).
Water: Average.
Space: 2-3' apart.
Fertilizing: Little needed. Apply a granular rose fertilizer in early spring if desired.
Winterizing: A good 2-3" layer of mulch is recommended; nothing else is needed.
Maintenance & Pruning: Double Play spirea naturally grow with a neat, tidy habit and need little pruning. If desired, trim or prune after spring bloom; this will encourage a second flush of colorful new growth as well as remove the first round of spent flowers for a neater look.

Ideas & Inspo

Top 10 Long-Blooming Shrubs

Do you dream of a flower-filled landscape or garden with never-ending beauty? We do, too: that’s why we’ve compiled a list of our favorite long-blooming shrubs! Start your planting with these ten flowering shrubs that provide months instead of weeks of colorful blooms.

Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
P. (Tennessee)
Arrived healthy

My plants just arrived looking healthy and happy. I was worried about the shipment in this heat but they were packaged well and still moist. I'll plant them in a couple of days. I hope they like clay soil..this is TN after all. :)

G.S. (Oregon)
Finally amazing!

It took 3 years, but my red Double Doozie look like the catalog cover!
An excellent 'friendly neighbor' border.
Covered with bees, too.

C.K. (Missouri)
Giving it a week

Received my order on Wednesday, unpacked and watered, it was cold and raining. Thursday I still didn’t plant, Friday afternoon, it and the 2 Ferns I bought were crispy. I went ahead and let them soak in water and planted them. Giving it a week before filing a claim to see if they recover.

We apologize that you received plants that are not up to our standards. Please email pictures of the plants to claims@greatgardenplants.com, making sure to put your order number and name in the subject line so that we may provide the best assistance possible. Rest assured, we have a 60-day guarantee on all our plants. If you received your plants within that time frame, we would be happy to apply your warranty once we receive the pictures. Happy Gardening!

A.S. (Connecticut)
Planted this fall and can't wait until spring!

It came perfectly wrap!

W.D. (Minnesota)

The plants I ordered are doing great!