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All media depicts mature plants.

Pugster Blue® Butterfly Bush



  • Lavish and plump true-blue flowers. 
  • Non-stop fragrant blooms up to 5+ months.
  • Improved hardiness & winter survival.
  • Drought & deer proof.
  • Zones 5-9, sun, 2' tall x 2' wide at maturity.
Zone 5-9
Light sun

{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.price < variant.compare_at_price %} Sale {{- variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' -}}
{{- variant.compare_at_price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% else %} {{- variant.price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% endif %} Each

Buy More, Save More:
    {% for discountGroup in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if discountGroup.id == 1 %} {% for discountTier in discountGroup.tiers %} {% if discountTier.id == 2%} {% for discount in discountTier.discount %}
  • {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% assign tier_ceiling = 10000 %} {% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}{% assign tier_ceiling = discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 %}{% endif %}
    {{ variant.price | money | remove: ' ' }} {{ variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} / {{ discount.min_quantity }}{% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}-{{ discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 }}{% else %}+{% endif %} qty.
  • {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}2{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = variant.quantity | times: discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ variant.price | times: variant.quantity | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% if discount_amount > 0 %} Saved {{ discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} {% endif %}
{% for option in product.options_with_values %} {% assign optionIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% assign position = forloop.index %}
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{% endfor %}
{% capture add_to_cart %}Neptune.cart.add({ id:{{ variant.id | json }}, quantity:{{ variant.quantity }}, properties:{ '_growingzone':['5a', '5b', '6a', '6b', '7a', '7b', '8a', '8b', '9a', '9b'],'shipping_exclusions':'or,wa,'} }, '.atcprod-{{ variant.id }}', { quantity: {{ variant.quantity }}, image: '//www.greatgardenplants.com/cdn/shop/files/BuddleiaPugsterBlueP1000453-800x800-e5bd860.png?v=1721216984', title: 'Pugster Blue® Butterfly Bush', option: 'One Quart' }); return false;{% endcapture %} {% assign discontinued = '' %} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'discontinued' %} {% assign discontinued = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.available %} {% else %} {% unless discontinued == 'true' %} Notify Me When Available {% endunless %} {% endif %}
{% if error %}
{% endif %}

Unable to ship to or,wa,

white plant in hand icon

Hand-picked at our greenhouse

white shipped to door icon

Shipped to your door

Young plant icon

Arrives as young plant

background image

More Information

Description Attract a plethora of pollinators with Pugster Blue® buddleia's plump, honey-scented blooms! No need to sacrifice big blooms for a space-saving shrub, this dwarf buddleia pumps out full-sized flowers without taking up too much space in your garden. Hard-to-find true blue color make this shrub a sight to see! But the real show starts when butterflies and hummingbirds flock to your garden to visit your buddleia. Drought tolerant, improved winter hardiness, and no need to deadhead, this shrub doesn't require much other than a sunny spot to call home. Plant easy-care Pugster Blue®, then sit back and enjoy its abundant, long-blooming flowers all summer long Details Botanical name: Buddleia x 'SMNBDBT'
Patent #:PP 28,794
Common name: Butterfly bush
Zone: 5 - 9
Sun exposure: Full sun (6+ hours sun)
Height x width: 2' x 2'
Flower color: Blue
Foliage color: Green
Season of Interest: Summer-fall
Bloom time: Summer, early fall
Features: Space savers, rabbit resistant, Proven Winners, low flammability, heat tolerant, fragrant, dry soils, drought tolerant, deer resistant, container plants, best for beginners
Uses: Accent, border, container gardening, cottage gardening, massing, small spaces, pollinator gardens
How To Grow Soil: Butterfly bushes require very well-drained, even dry, soils. Do not amend or add anything to the soil at planting time, as this can cause serious drainage problems. In clay soil, plant butterfly bush, so they are slightly above, rather than even with, the soil.
Light: Full sun - at least six hours of bright sun each day is necessary for healthy plants and abundant blooms.
Water: Low to average watering; soil can even be dry once established. Butterfly bush does not tolerate wet conditions for any period of time.
Spacing: 2'
Fertilizing: Little needed; if desired, apply a granular rose or garden fertilizer in early spring. Do not fertilize in fall.
Winterizing: In fall, plants can be trimmed lightly if desired but save major pruning for spring. If mulching, do not apply heavily at the base of the plant.
Maintenance & Pruning: Butterfly bushes are best pruned in spring, once the new growth has begun to emerge. At that point, cut just above where big, healthy buds appear. Give butterfly bushes plenty of time to emerge in spring, especially in colder climates - this may take several weeks, even if other plants in your yard are already leafing out.

Q & A

Your Questions on Growing & Caring For Butterfly Bush, Answered!

Learn how to grow butterfly bushes in containers, why your butterfly bush isn't blooming, when to prune butterfly bush, and everything else you need to know to grow them like a pro.

Butterfly on Buddleia butterfly bush

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
N.P. (District of Columbia)
Very pretty!

I planted it and it’s already blooming! It’s very pretty!


Doing well so far!

H.M. (Tennessee)
Pugster Not Winter Hardy

Unfortunately, having planted my Pugster Butterfly Bush last fall, it was severely killed back this past winter to the base. Only green leaves sprouting out from the main stem. I am located in zone 7, so I thought it would do well. I am disappointed in believing the advertising about the Pugster series of Butterfly Bushes.

Hello! We're sorry that you're unsatisfied with your plants. Our expert customer service team would love to provide you with some assistance! Please email pictures of the plants to claims@greatgardenplants.com, making sure to put your order number and name in the subject line so that we may provide the best assistance possible. Rest assured, we have a guarantee on all our plants. Our fall guarantee covers plants received after September 1 until May 2024! If you received your plants within that time frame, we would happily apply your warranty once we receive the pictures. Happy Gardening!

Anonymous (North Carolina)
Looking forward to butterflies

Small plant looks happy and bloomed a little already

M.H. (North Carolina)

I have always been happy with the plants I receive from Great Gardens. Today I received a Pugster Blue Butterfly Bush that is just not up to their usual standards. Very crooked trunk, dead wood, and a broken branch. Broke my heart.

We apologize that you received plants that are not up to our standards. While we try our best to provide exceptional service, some factors, like shipping and handling, are outside our control, and issues like this can sometimes happen. Please email pictures of the plants to claims@greatgardenplants.com, making sure to put your order number and name in the subject line so that we may provide the best assistance possible. Rest assured, we have a 60-day guarantee on all our plants. If you received your plants within that timeframe, we would be happy to apply your warranty once we receive the pictures. Happy Gardening!