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{% assign last_slide = forloop.index %} {% endfor %}
All media depicts mature plants.

Red Creeping Thyme



  • Vibrant flowers bloom prolifically in summer!
  • Foliage and flowers are aromatic.
  • Easy to grow, thriving with little care.
  • Attracts butterflies and deters deer.
  • Zones 3-8, sun, 4" tall x 12" wide at maturity.
Zone 3-8
Light sun

{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}1{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.price < variant.compare_at_price %} Sale {{- variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' -}}
{{- variant.compare_at_price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% else %} {{- variant.price | money | remove: ' ' -}} {% endif %} Each

Buy More, Save More:
    {% for discountGroup in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if discountGroup.id == 1 %} {% for discountTier in discountGroup.tiers %} {% if discountTier.id == 1%} {% for discount in discountTier.discount %}
  • {% assign discount_amount = discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% assign tier_ceiling = 10000 %} {% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}{% assign tier_ceiling = discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 %}{% endif %}
    {{ variant.price | money | remove: ' ' }} {{ variant.price | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} / {{ discount.min_quantity }}{% if discountTier.discount[forloop.index] != blank %}-{{ discountTier.discount[forloop.index].min_quantity | minus: 1 }}{% else %}+{% endif %} qty.
  • {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} {% capture DiscountTier %}1{% endcapture %} {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} {% assign DiscountTier = DiscountTier | plus: 0 %} {% assign discount_amount = 0 %} {% for group in product.discounts_structure.groups %} {% if group.id == DiscountGroup %} {% for tier in group.tiers %} {% if tier.id == DiscountTier %} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {% if discount.min_quantity > variant.quantity %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% assign discount_amount = variant.quantity | times: discount.discount_amount | times: 100 %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ variant.price | times: variant.quantity | minus: discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% if discount_amount > 0 %} Saved {{ discount_amount | money | remove: ' ' }} {% endif %}
{% for option in product.options_with_values %} {% assign optionIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% assign position = forloop.index %}
{% assign sortedvalues = option.values %} {% if option.name contains 'Length' or option.name contains 'Width' or option.name contains 'Height' or option.name contains 'Depth' or option.name contains 'Thickness' or option.name contains 'Weight' %} {% assign sortedvalues = option.values | sort %} {% endif %} {% for value in sortedvalues %} {% assign inventory_quantity = 0 %} {% assign available = false %} {% assign optionVariant = false %} {% if product.options_with_values.size == 3 and optionIndex == 2%} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == variant.option2 and v.option3 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% elsif product.options_with_values.size == 2 and optionIndex == 1%} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for v in product.variants %} {% unless v.bogus %} {% if v.option1 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} {% if v.available %}{% assign available = true %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign checked = "" %} {% if variant.options[optionIndex] == value%}{% assign checked = "checked" %}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% capture add_to_cart %}Neptune.cart.add({ id:{{ variant.id | json }}, quantity:{{ variant.quantity }}, properties:{ '_growingzone':['3a', '3b', '4a', '4b', '5a', '5b', '6a', '6b', '7a', '7b', '8a', '8b'],'shipping_exclusions':''} }, '.atcprod-{{ variant.id }}', { quantity: {{ variant.quantity }}, image: '//www.greatgardenplants.com/cdn/shop/products/thymus-coccineus-creeping-thyme-3-sw.jpg?v=1626781928', title: 'Red Creeping Thyme', option: 'One Quart' }); return false;{% endcapture %} {% assign discontinued = '' %} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'discontinued' %} {% assign discontinued = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if variant.available %} {% else %} {% unless discontinued == 'true' %} Notify Me When Available {% endunless %} {% endif %}
{% if error %}
{% endif %}
white plant in hand icon

Hand-picked at our greenhouse

white shipped to door icon

Shipped to your door

Young plant icon

Arrives as young plant

background image

More Information

Description Red creeping thyme (Thymus praecox) quickly spreads to form a lush carpet of small leaves and vibrant blooms! Soft green foliage is aromatic when touched or crushed. Hundreds of saturated pink and red flowers add even more fragrance as they bloom in early summer. The flowers are rich in nectar and are a magnet for butterflies. Keep your garden low maintenance with red creeping thyme! It grows densely, crowding out unwanted weeds as it spreads. The only requirement this deer-resistant and hardy ground cover has is a sunny spot with good drainage. Try planting a red creeping thyme lawn or tuck between other plants in small spaces. With red creeping thyme, creating a pop of color on sunny slopes and pathways has never been easier. Buying landscape plugs? Here is how much area they will cover: 6" spacing of 32 landscape plugs covers 6 sq feet 8" spacing covers 7.5 sq feet 10" spacing covers 11 sq feet 12" spacing covers 16 sq feet Details Botanical name: Thymus praecox 'Coccineus'
Common name: Red creeping thyme
Zone: 3 - 8
Sun exposure: Sun (> 6 hours sun)
Height x width: 2-4" X 12"
Flower color: Dark pink
Foliage color: Green
Bloom season: Summer
Features: Space savers, rabbit & deer resistant, heat tolerant, drought tolerant, cold tolerant
Uses: Alpine, container gardening, cottage gardening, edging, ground cover, naturalizing, rock garden, small spaces, underplanting
How To Grow Soil: Grows well in well-draining soils.
Light: Sun (> 6 hours sun) is needed for best foliage and bloom.
Water: Keep soil moist but not wet as plants establish. Once established, it tolerates dry conditions.
Spacing: 12-18"
Fertilizing: If desired, feed plants lightly in spring with fish fertilizer or any liquid plant food.
Winterizing: Cover the plants with lightweight mulch to protect the plants over the winter. Prune away winter-killed stems in spring.
Maintenance & pruning: Shear back spent flowers. In the South, plants may "mug off" in the summer heat and humidity. Cut the plant back, and you'll see new growth when the weather cools.  Can be divided during the spring months.

Did You Know?

Ground Covers for Suppressing Weeds

Ground covers effortlessly fill those tough-to-grow sites that are usually ignored, like tight spaces, gaps between stepping stones, slopes, or shady understories. Fight plants with plants and transform your garden into a lush landscape in the process with these ground covers.

groundcover great for suppressing weeds

Customer Reviews

Based on 98 reviews
J.J. (California)
They arrived dead

I gave a chance- watered in shade - thought, maybe theyd grow back but they are all dead. Im super bummed. I didnt want to write web review because i hoped you could send me 5 healthy ones for the $ i spent?? Please—

Hello! We’re sorry that you received plants that are not up to our standards. We try our best to provide excellent plants, but some factors, like shipping and handling, are outside our control. That’s why we have a 60-day guarantee on all of our orders. Please email your order number and pictures of your plants to claims@greatgardenplants.com to start the claims process. We look forward to helping! https://bit.ly/ggp-guarantee

Red creeping tyme

I’ve bought many plants from for ggp, many are a success.
I’ve received Red creeping tyme unfortunately one shipment didn’t make it alive. But easily resolved.
Second shipment of 15 plants
Are happy and doing very well.
It was a process..regularly pruned out the dead areas, also making sure not to overwater was the hardest part.
It’s been 1 month in the ground.

Location: whidbey island, Washington

L.D. (Arizona)
Red creeping thyme

Don’t really have a review, plants were dead on arrival. Customer service has been very helpful on getting them replaced. It’s a bit hard navigating the return process but figured it out.
My advice is to order in early early spring so the plants aren’t spending a lot of time in a hot delivery truck

Hello! We’re sorry that you received plants that are not up to our standards. We try our best to provide excellent plants, but some factors, like shipping and handling, are outside our control. We do not take any returns, and are diligently working to replace your plants. Our friendly customer service team is always here to help, and glad we could help you with the claims process! If you have further questions, please contact us. All orders are covered by our 60-day guarantee. Happy gardening!


I would definitely reorder but the shipping company did a horrible job so half the plants were completely destroyed from what looked like a coffee spill from the driver and foot prints sadly only one took sprout in the ground some of that was my fault for being a diva about the poor delivery and taking a day to recover the non burned from coffee sprouts. I really think that driver should get fired but that has nothing to do with GGP the only reason its 3 stars is they chose to use the shipper

Hello! We’re sorry that you received plants that are not up to our standards. We try our best to provide excellent plants, but some factors, like shipping and handling, are outside our control. That’s why we have a 60-day guarantee on all of our orders. Please email your order number and pictures of your plants to start the claims process. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to helping!

M.B.A. (Washington)
Red Creeping Thyme

I love the plugs that transported intact. Unfortunately, several were damaged. I planted them anyway, hoping some TLC and plenty of water would help revive them. Some show signs of life, but several others do not.

Hello! We’re sorry that you received plants that are not up to our standards. We try our best to provide excellent plants, but some factors, like shipping and handling, are outside our control. That’s why we have a 60-day guarantee on all of our orders. Please email your order number and pictures of your plants to claims@greatgardenplants.com to start the claims process. We look forward to helping! https://bit.ly/ggp-guarantee